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Text Formatting in PS


  • Alongside image and photo manipulation, Photoshop allows us to create unique artwork, company logo, presentation backdrops or any other computer imagery you might need.

  • It provides us with different tools for entering and formatting text in out images.

  • The Character panel offers size, color, spacing and many other formatting options.

  • Press the "T" key on your keyboard as a shortcut for selecting the Text tool.

Align Text



Font Size

Character Window

(For more Function)

Character Window

  • Launch Photoshop.

  • Click the File > New >  Create a blank photoshop document.

  • Click the Window menu > Character to open the text formatting panel on the right side of the Photoshop window.

  • Type a text.

  • Change the appropriate options in the Character panel to format the text. Changes will take place immediately, 

Character Window

Spacing between two character

Spacing between all character

Increase Vertical / Horizontal  


  • It is the process of adjusting the spacing between characters in a proportional font, usually to achieve a visually pleasing result.

  • Select the value of Kerning field on Character tool.


Text on a Path

  • Draw a shape as a path, so we can put some text on it.

Draw a path

  • Select the text tool, and look the cursor when over the path.

  • The changed cursor indicates that your text will be sticking to this path.

  • Click on there and you can type the text on the path.

Click on the path to type

  • You can determine the starting point and ending point of the text on the path.

Starting point

Hold Ctrl + drag

Customizing the Font Style

  • Here we can modify a text as per our requirement.

  • We can do this by converting the text to path.

  • Type a text.

  • Right click on the layer > Create Work Path.


Type the text 

  • Right-click on the text layer 

  • Create Work Path

  • Switch off the text layer and you will see the path generated around the text.

  • Grab the Pen tool > and change the control points.

  • Go to Path tab.

  • Select Add Anchor Point Tool.

  • Make changes to dots.


Make changes to dots.

  • Select and move the dots (Ctrl + select) > Click on path operation > Merge shape components.

  • Create a new layer to make it a present.


Create a new layer

  • Right click on Path > Fill path.

  • On Fill Path window give as required.

  • Click OK.

  • Right click

  • Fill Path

  • This Image I got, after saving the dots.

  • Here we can save the file as JPEG, PNG or other format.

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