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What is it?

  • ASP.NET is an open source web application framework created by Microsoft.

  • It allows programmers to develop dynamic websites and web services.

  • It provides integration of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.


  • First released in January 2002. 

  • Developed by Microsoft.

  • Successor of Active Server Page (ASP)


  • ASP.NET has features as following:

  • Server controls

  • Events handling

  • Webforms model binding

  • Authentication

  • MVC etc.

Languages Used

  • It is built on the Common Language Runtime (CLR).

  • Allows programmers to write code using any of the following languages:

  • C#

  • F#

  • Visual Basic

Languages used in .Net application :



Visual Basic

File Name Extensions

  • It is a Web User Control file that stands for Active Server Control Extension.

  • ASCX file is not intended to be opened by the browser.

  • ASCX files make it easy to use the same code across multiple ASP.NET web pages building a website.

  • Instead of writing the same code on every page of the website that needs the menu, each page can just point to the ASCX file,

.ascx file:

  • It is a Web User Control file that stands for Active Server Control Extension.

  • ASCX file is not intended to be opened by the browser.

  • ASCX files make it easy to use the same code across multiple ASP.NET web pages building a website.

  • Instead of writing the same code on every page of the website that needs the menu, each page can just point to the ASCX file,

.aspx file:

  • An ASP.NET Web Forms page.

  • It can contain Web controls and presentation and business logic. 

.cshtml file:

  • It lets you write the C# code inside HTML markup.

  • And save with the file extension .cshtml

.vbhtml file:

  • It let us write the Visual Basic code insid HTMLml markup.


  • It enables us to create powerful server-side web applications very quickly

  • It has much less code than other technologies such as ASP, PHP etc.

  • ColdFusion Markup Language (CFML), is a scripting language for web development that runs on the JVM, the .NET framework, and Google App Engine.

  • CFML language composed of tags & functions.

  • ColdFusion was originally designed to make it easier to connect simple HTML pages to a database.

File Name Extension

.ascx file

  • It is an ASP.NET Web User Control file that stands for Active Server Control Extension.

  • ASCX file itself is not intended to be opened by the browser.

  • ASCX files make it easy to use the same code across multiple ASP.NET web pages, saving time and energy when building a website.

  • It enables us to create powerful server-side web applications very quickly

  • It has much less code than other technologies such as ASP, PHP etc.

  • ColdFusion Markup Language (CFML), is a scripting language for web development that runs on the JVM, the .NET framework, and Google App Engine.

  • CFML language composed of tags & functions.

  • ColdFusion was originally designed to make it easier to connect simple HTML pages to a database.

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