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Firebird SQL
Wha is it?
Firebird is an open source relational database management system.
It runs on Linux, Windows, and a variety of Unix platforms.
Firebird can connect to popular development IDEs and frameworks with Firebird drivers; Java, .net, and python.
Installation Process
Fire bird is a light-weight software .
To download, google it.
Or go to the download link here,
Open the downloaded setup file.
Follow the installation steps.
Leave the options as it is.
Set a database password as masterkey for SYSDBA.
Click Next > Finish.
Administration Tools
The default administration account has the username SYSDBA.
And the case-sensitive password masterkey.
There are 2 administrative tools that are available with the software are:
This is the security administrator.
We will use this command-line tool for creating, modifying and deleting database users, changing passwords, etc.
This is the interactive SQL tool.
We can use this to test or run SQL queries.
Interact with Firebird Database
Open the isql tool.
You can go through the Firebird installation path or search for that.
Create a Database
Here we need to create or connect to a database.
Now, we have no database. So we will create a database 'mydb'' in D:\Back path.
Type, CREATE DATABASE 'd:\back\mydb.fdb'
Type the username and password as; user 'SYSDBA' password 'masterkey';
1. To create a database
2. To connect as administrator user.
After typing the creating syntax in isql tool, a database MYDB.FDB is created in specified path.
Here a new database created.
Connect to a Database
After creating a database in Firebird SQL, we can connect to a given database.
The syntax for connecting database: CONNECT 'd:\back\mydb.fdb'
Then con> will promote. Type
1. To connect a existing database.
2. To connect as user.
Connect to a Database
After creating a database in Firebird SQL, we can connect to a given database.
The syntax for connecting database: CONNECT 'd:\back\mydb.fdb'
Then con> will promote. Type
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