Ruby on Rail
What is Ruby?
Ruby is a high-level interpreted programming language.
It's an object-oriented program.
It is open-source on web.
It was created in 1995.
Developed by Yukihiro Matsumoto in Japan.
Ruby is a general-purpose programming language.
Ruby can easily be connected to DB2, MySQL, Oracle, and Sybase.
Ruby can embed to the HTML page.
Has rich libraries.
Ruby Installation
We can download the Ruby installer from its official site,
Choose your OS and click on download button.
It contains Ruby language, an execution environment, documentation, developer kit & more.
Open the .exe installer file.
Make sure you tick the "Add Python 3. to PATH" checkbox and click on "Install Now",
We wrote the Hello World program in ruby.
Saved as HelloRuby.rb file name.
We can execute the Ruby file on command prompt by typing ruby HelloRuby.rb
But we build the enviroment for the Sublime Text editor for Ruby.
By pressing Ctrl + B, we got the result.
What is Ruby on Rails?
Is a server-side web application development framework.
Written in Ruby.
It supports MVC pattern to create web application.
Written by David Heinemeier Hansson.
In 2005.
It is an open source Ruby framework for developing database-backed web applications.
Can write 10 times faster than Java Framework.
No compilation is required.
There is 2 guiding principle:
Ruby on Rails Principles:
Don't Repeat Yourself
Every code must have an unambiguous, single representation within the system.
A code will not repeat again.
Convention Over Configuration
It provides a different best way to do many things in a web application.
Ruby on Rail Environment
To develop a web-application environment, we need to have following installed on computer.:
Ruby on Rails Framework
Database (MySQL)
Web Server (WEBrick)
Installing Ruby
We already installed Ruby in previous step.
Installing Rails
In Command Prompt, We can install Rails & its dependencies using the following command; gem intall rails
You need an internet connection for installing.
To install Rails
To check gem version
Type rails -v to check the Rails version.
To check Rails version
Installing Server
We can verify the Ruby on Rail installation.
To create a StoneProfits project rails new StoneProfits
To create a project
The new project is createcd on C:\Users\SPS\StonProfits .
Open the Command prompt on that directory.
To run WEBrick web server on our PC, type cd StoneProfits > rails server
To navigate our project folder
To run on WEBrick server
We can check the server on the browser by going localhost:3000
Installing Database
We have installed MySQL RDBMS for the database.
To install PostgreSQL, type gem install postgre
To install PostgreSQL database
Rails on MVC
Rails web application works on MVC.
Model, View & Controller are associated with some folder on local Ruby directory as ActiveRecord, ActionView & ActionController.​
It directs the traffic.
Querying the models for data.
Organizing that data
It is a presentation of data triggered by Controller. (AJAX, etc)
Maintains relation between objects and the database and handles validation,
Creating Rails Web Application
Rails is a framework and set of helper scripts.
To start our Library System application, type rails new library on CMD.
The Hello World
Python is an interpreted programming language.
We need to write Python (.py) files in a text editor and then put those files into the python interpreter to be executed.
Where is the name of your python file.
We wrote the one line program in a text editor.