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Sample File Lookup

What is it?

  • This means how we look up the files and folders in such a way that we can easily access the required files.

  • In Explorer windows, files and folders appear sorted or grouped by different attributes, such as 

  • Name

  • Date modified

  • Type

  • Size and more

  • We can also arrange in the different views, such as 

  • Extra large

  • Large

  • Medium

  • Small

  • List

  • Detail

  • Content

  • You can select the attributes you want to use and then select whether to display the files and folders in ascending or descending order.

View Files

Here we can arrang the files and folder, how should it look like in different size or with details about files.

Step 1: Start Windows Explorer, and then locate the folder that you want to customize.

Step 2: Right click on white area & view and select them as per your choice.

  • Visual Size

  • With Detail

View as Extra large icons.

View as Large Icons.

View as Medium Icons.

View as Small icons.

View as List.

View as Details.

View as Tiles.

View as Content.

A shortcut key for changing the view of your files.

Use your mouse scroll wheel.




Resize icons or Change Explorer View type quickly.

Sort Files & Folders

  • STEP 1: In the desktop, open File Explorer that contains files and/or folders you want to sort.

  • STEP 2: Right click on white area, and select Sort by.

Choose a option

Choose a odrer

For adding more options

Group Files & Folders

  • STEP 1: On the desktop, click or tap the File Explorer button on the taskbar.

  • STEP 2: Open the folder that contains the files you want to group.

  • STEP 3: Click or tap the Group by a button on the View tab.

  • STEP 4: Select a group by the option on the menu.

  • Options: Select an option, such as name, Date, Size, Type, Date modified, and Dimensions.

  • The available options vary depending on the selected folder type.

  • (None) : Select to remove the group by option.

  • Ascending: Select to group items in ascending order A-Z.

  • Descending: Select to group items in descending order Z-A.

  • Choose columns: Select to customize the columns shown in Details view.

  • STEP 5: Click the Collapse or Expand arrow next to the heading to collapse or expand the grouping.

  • OR: You can do the same by right click, and choose a option.

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