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MS SQL Server
Wha is it?
MS SQL Server is a relational database management system (RDBMS).
Developed by Microsoft.
This product is built for the basic function of storing and retrieving data as required by other applications.
This application may run on same computer or on another across a network.
Usage of SQL Server
To create databases.
To maintain databases.
To analyze the data througn SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS).
To generate reports through SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS).
To carry out ETL operation.(Extract, Transform & Load)
Instance of SQL Server
An instance is an intallation of SQL Server.
If we intall 'n' times, then 'n' intances will be created.
There are two type of instances in SQL Server.
Default Intsance (only one)
Named Instance (many)
Default intance service name is MSSQLSERVER.
Advantage of Instances
To intall different version in one machine.
To maintain developement, test, and production enviroments separately.
To separe security privileges.
SQL Server Installation
Here is the process of downloading and installing the Microsoft SQL Server 2012.
Here is the process of downloading and installing the Microsoft SQL Server 2012.
Double-click the “SQLFULL_x64_ENU_Install.exe”, it will extract the required files for installation in the “SQLFULL_x86_ENU” folder.
Double-click on .exe file to extract the files to a folder.
.exe File
Open that SQLFULL_x64_ENU folder.
Double-click "setup" application.
Double-click on setup application
Once we click on setup, the following application will open.
Click Installation which is on the left side of the above screen.
Click on the first option of the right side seen on the below screen.
Click OK and the following screen pops up.
Accept the license option and click Next.
Select SQL Server feature installation option and click Next.
Select Database Engine Services checkbox and click Next.
Make sure authentication mode selection and administrators are checked > click Data Directories.
Follow the instruction and click on Next.
Here we got a successful installation.
SQL Server Management Studio
SQL Server Management Studio is a workstation or a client tool which is used to connect to and manage your SQL Server.
It is a graphical interface instead of the command line.
If you don't have the SSMS, but you have SQL instances.
The following method is to download the SQL Management Studio(SSMS).
Click on the Installation > New SQL Server stand-alone installation.
Follow the simple steps and finish the installation process.
In order to connect to a remote instance of an SQL server, you will need this or similar software.
It is used by Administrators, Developers, Testers, etc.
This is how to open the SSMS tool.
If you open the MMSM tool.
This will ask for a server name as Computer_Name/ SQLEXPRESS.
Click Connect.
Type the default server Account_Name/SQLEXPRESS
This Microsoft SQL Management Studio looks like below.
SQL Server Data Types
There are 3 types of data types.
Data and Time
The followings are the Numeric Datatypes in SQL Server.
The followings are the String Datatypes in SQL Server.
The followings are the Date/Time Datatypes in SQL Server.
Creating a Database
To work with a RDBMS, we need to create a database.
Here are the steps to create a database.
Right-click on Database > New Database > a new window will pop up.
Provide a database name > Next.
Database created.
To create a table we create a query as:
CREATE TABLE table_name ( column1 datatype, column2 datatype ...);
Click on Execute button or press F5.​
Another way to create a table is as following.
SSMS allows a user some funtion of RDBMS with some mouse click.
Click on Database > Right click on Table > New Table.. > A window will appear on right.
Provide the Column name, Data type and null details.
Click on Save button > Give a name > Ok.
A table is created.
Provide the colunm details
INSERT statement is used to insert data into a table.
Syntax: INSERT INTO database_name.dbo.table_name ( col3 , col4 , etc ) VALUES ( 'Stirng' , number ) ;
Press F5 or execute button to run the query.
The messages window has a message that a row is affected.
With the SSMS tool, we can insert the data into the table.
Navigate the table name > Edit Top 200 Rows.​
This window will appear, here a user can insert the values and save.
To work with a RDBMS, we need to create a database.
Here are the steps to create a database.
Right-click on Database > New Database > a new window will pop up.
Provide a database name > Next.
Database created.
The SELECT statement is used to retrieve the data from the Database.
Here is the syntax:
SELECT colunm1, column2, column3, etc FROM table_name;
Here the result shown in below window.
Query to be executed.
With the mouse click, here are the steps to execute a SELECT statement.
To retrieve the data from the table, right-click on the table_name > Select Top 1000 Rows.
In the right panel, it writes the script for select and shows all data from the corresponding table.
Query to be executed.
The SELECT TOP clause is used to specify the number of records to return.
Inside a table, a column often contains many duplicate values; and sometimes you only want to list the different (distinct) values.
The SELECT DISTINCT statement is used to return only distinct (different) values.
Syntax: SELECT DISTINCT column_name FROM table_name;
To list all the city on the table, SELECT DISTINCT city FROM student;
Here are the example of the a Library table have hundreds of books.
COUNT() is a function.
Return the number of records in the result table.
Syntax: SELECT COUNT(expression) FROM table_name Conditions;
Here is the example of how many book category we have in library.
Filter Table
To work with a RDBMS, we need to create a database.
Here are the steps to create a database.
Right-click on Database > New Database > a new window will pop up.
Provide a database name > Next.
Database created.
The ALTER TABLE statement is used to add, delete, or modify columns in an existing table.
It is also used to add and drop various constraints on an existing table.
To Add a Column
To a new column, we can use ADD keyword.
Syntx: ALTER TABLE table_name ADD column datatype, col2 datatype, col3 dataype;
To Drop a Column
To drop an existing column in a table, the syntax is:
ALTER TABLE table_name DROP COLUMN column_name;
To Modify a Column (only Datatype)
To change the datatype of an existing column in a table, here is the query.
Syntax: ALTER TABLE table_name ALTER COLUMN column_name datatype(30);
To Rename a Column/Table
In SQL server, there are some stored procedures for renaming the table/column.
For renaming a column, syntax is: sp_rename 'table_name.column_name' , 'new_column_name' , 'COLUMN' ;
For renaming a table, syntax is: sp_rename 'table_name' , 'new_table_name';
To work with a RDBMS, we need to create a database.
Here are the steps to create a database.
Right-click on Database > New Database > a new window will pop up.
Provide a database name > Next.
Database created.
Aggregating Function
...max( column )
...avg( column )
...sum( column )
...min( column )
Quering in Subquery
Restricting Grouped Result With HAVING
- WHERE student_mark > 80 *** it serches for Individual value
- HAVING student_mark > 80 *** it serches for Grouped Value
Calculating Results with CASE
- CASE WHEN condition1 THEN "value1 "
​ WHEN condition2 THEN "value2"
WHEN condition3 THEN "value3"
WHEN condition4 THEN "value4"
ELSE "value5"
END as "Column_Name"​​
JOIN in Table
...Cross Join (without JOIN query)
...Implicit Inner Join (without JOIN query)
...Explicit Inneer Join (JOIN query)
...Seft JOIN
...Combining of JOINs
...Full JOIN
Importing Excel Data into SQL Server
We can use GRANT and REVOKE privileges on various database in SQL server.
We can grand a user different privileges to table.
These permissions can be any combination of SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, ALTER REFERENCES, or ALL.
Syntax: GRANT privileges ON object TO user;
We have a Excel sheet data with 5 columns with 391 rows including header.
There are steps to import the excel data into a table in our database.
Locate the database.
Right-click on database > Tasks > Import Data...
A Import and Export Wizard pops up.
Click next.
Provide the Data source as the the file formate.
Here I have the excel file formatl.
Set the browse path where the file is located.
Give the excel version > Next.
Check if it has header
Set Excel version
Set file format
Provide the file path
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