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MS SQL Server

Wha is it?

  • MS SQL Server is a relational database management system (RDBMS).

  • Developed by Microsoft.

  • This product is built for the basic function of storing and retrieving data as required by other applications.

  • This application may run on same computer or on another across a network.

Usage of SQL Server

  • To create databases.

  • To maintain databases.

  • To analyze the data througn SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS).

  • To generate reports through SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS).

  • To carry out ETL operation.(Extract, Transform & Load)

Instance of SQL Server

  • An instance is an intallation of SQL Server.

  • If we intall 'n' times, then 'n' intances will be created.

  • There are two type of instances in SQL Server.

  • Default Intsance (only one)

  • Named Instance (many)

  • Default intance service name is MSSQLSERVER.

Advantage of Instances

  • To intall different version in one machine.

  • To maintain developement, test, and production enviroments separately.

  • To separe security privileges.

SQL Server Installation

  • Here is the process of downloading and installing the Microsoft SQL Server 2012. 

  • Here is the process of downloading and installing the Microsoft SQL Server 2012. 

  • Double-click the  “SQLFULL_x64_ENU_Install.exe”, it will extract the required files for installation in the “SQLFULL_x86_ENU” folder.

  • Double-click on .exe file to extract the files to a folder.

.exe File

  • Open that SQLFULL_x64_ENU folder.

  • Double-click "setup" application.

Double-click on  setup application

  • Once we click on setup, the following application will open.

  • Click Installation which is on the left side of the above screen.

  • Click on the first option of the right side seen on the below screen.

  • Click OK and the following screen pops up.

  • Accept the license option and click Next.

  • Select SQL Server feature installation option and click Next.

  • Select Database Engine Services checkbox and click Next.

  • Make sure authentication mode selection and administrators are checked > click Data Directories.

  • Follow the instruction and click on Next.

  • Here we got a successful installation.

SQL Server Management Studio

  • SQL Server Management Studio is a workstation or a client tool which is used to connect to and manage your SQL Server.

  • It is a graphical interface instead of the command line.

  • If you don't have the SSMS, but you have SQL instances.

  • The following method is to download the SQL Management Studio(SSMS).

  • Click on the Installation > New SQL Server stand-alone installation.

  • Follow the simple steps and finish the installation process.

  • In order to connect to a remote instance of an SQL server, you will need this or similar software.

  • It is used by Administrators, Developers, Testers, etc.

  • This is how to open the SSMS tool.

  • If you open the MMSM tool.

  • This will ask for a server name as Computer_Name/ SQLEXPRESS.

  • Click Connect.

  • Type the default server Account_Name/SQLEXPRESS

  • This Microsoft SQL Management Studio looks like below.

SQL Server Data Types

  • There are 3 types of data types.




Data and Time


  • The followings are the Numeric Datatypes in SQL Server.

  • The followings are the String Datatypes in SQL Server.

  • The followings are the Date/Time Datatypes in SQL Server.

Creating a Database

  • To work with a RDBMS, we need to create a database.

  • Here are the steps to create a database.

  • Right-click on Database > New Database > a new window will pop up.

  • Provide a database name > Next.

  • Database created.



  • To create a table we create a query as:

  • CREATE TABLE table_name ( column1 datatype, column2 datatype ...);

  • Click on Execute button or press F5.​

  • Another way to create a table is as following.

  • SSMS allows a user some funtion of RDBMS with some mouse click.

  • Click on Database > Right click on Table > New Table.. > A window will appear on right.

  • Provide the Column name, Data type and null details.

  • Click on Save button > Give a name > Ok.

  • A table is created.


Provide the colunm details


  • INSERT statement is used to insert data into a table.

  • Syntax: INSERT INTO database_name.dbo.table_name ( col3 , col4 , etc ) VALUES ( 'Stirng' , number ) ;

  • Press F5 or execute button to run the query.

  • The messages window has a message that a row is affected.

  • With the SSMS tool, we can insert the data into the table.

  • Navigate the table name > Edit Top 200 Rows.​

  • This window will appear, here a user can insert the values and save.


  • To work with a RDBMS, we need to create a database.

  • Here are the steps to create a database.

  • Right-click on Database > New Database > a new window will pop up.

  • Provide a database name > Next.

  • Database created.


  • The SELECT statement is used to retrieve the data from the Database.

  • Here is the syntax:

  • SELECT colunm1, column2, column3, etc FROM table_name;

  • Here the result shown in below window.


Query to be executed.

  • With the mouse click, here are the steps to execute a SELECT statement.

  • To retrieve the data from the table, right-click on the table_name > Select Top 1000 Rows.

  • In the right panel, it writes the script for select and shows all data from the corresponding table.


Query to be executed.


  • The SELECT TOP clause is used to specify the number of records to return.

  • Inside a table, a column often contains many duplicate values; and sometimes you only want to list the different (distinct) values.

  • The SELECT DISTINCT statement is used to return only distinct (different) values.

  • Syntax: SELECT DISTINCT column_name FROM table_name;

  • To list all the city on the table, SELECT DISTINCT city FROM student;

  • Here are the example of the a Library table have hundreds of books.


  • COUNT() is a function.

  • Return the number of records in the result table.

  • Syntax: SELECT COUNT(expression) FROM table_name Conditions;

  • Here is the example of how many book category we have in library.

Filter Table

  • To work with a RDBMS, we need to create a database.

  • Here are the steps to create a database.

  • Right-click on Database > New Database > a new window will pop up.

  • Provide a database name > Next.

  • Database created.


  • The ALTER TABLE statement is used to add, delete, or modify columns in an existing table.

  • It is also used to add and drop various constraints on an existing table.

To Add a Column

  • To a new column, we can use ADD keyword.

  • Syntx: ALTER TABLE table_name ADD column datatype, col2 datatype, col3 dataype;

To Drop a Column

  • To drop an existing column in a table, the syntax is:

  • ALTER TABLE table_name DROP COLUMN column_name;

To Modify a Column (only Datatype)

  • To change the datatype of an existing column in a table, here is the query.

  • Syntax: ALTER TABLE table_name ALTER COLUMN column_name datatype(30);

To Rename a Column/Table

  • In SQL server, there are some stored procedures for renaming the table/column.

  • For renaming a column, syntax is: sp_rename 'table_name.column_name' , 'new_column_name' , 'COLUMN' ;

  • For renaming a table, syntax is: sp_rename 'table_name' , 'new_table_name';


  • To work with a RDBMS, we need to create a database.

  • Here are the steps to create a database.

  • Right-click on Database > New Database > a new window will pop up.

  • Provide a database name > Next.

  • Database created.

  • Aggregating Function

  • ...max( column )

  • ...avg( column )

  • ...sum( column )

  • ...min( column )


  • Quering in Subquery

  • ...IN

  • ...NOT IN 

  • ...LIKE


  • Restricting Grouped Result With HAVING

  • WHERE student_mark > 80      *** it serches for Individual value 

  • HAVING student_mark > 80      *** it serches for Grouped Value


  • Calculating Results with CASE

  • CASE WHEN condition1 THEN "value1 "

  • ​                   WHEN condition2 THEN "value2"

  •                    WHEN condition3 THEN "value3"

  •                    WHEN condition4 THEN "value4"

  •                    ELSE "value5"

  •                    END as "Column_Name"​​


  • JOIN in Table

  • ...Cross Join (without JOIN query)

  • ...Implicit Inner Join (without JOIN query)

  • ...Explicit Inneer Join (JOIN query)



  • ...Seft JOIN

  • ...Combining of JOINs

  • ...Full JOIN




Importing Excel Data into SQL Server


  • We can use GRANT and REVOKE privileges on various database in SQL server.

  • We can grand a user different privileges to table.

  • These permissions can be any combination of SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, ALTER REFERENCES, or ALL.

  • Syntax: GRANT privileges ON object TO user;

  • We have a Excel sheet data with 5 columns with 391 rows including header.

  • There are steps to import the excel data into a table in our database.

  • Locate the database.

  • Right-click on database > Tasks > Import Data...

  • A Import and Export Wizard pops up.

  • Click next.

  • Provide the Data source as the the file formate.

  • Here I have the excel file formatl.

  • Set the browse path where the file is located.

  • Give the excel version > Next.

Check if it has header

Set Excel version

Set file format

Provide the file path

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