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A firewall is a network security device that monitors incoming and outgoing network traffic and decides whether to allow or block specific traffic based on a defined set of security rules.
It is recognized as the first line of defense in securing sensitive information.
A firewall may be implemented using hardware, software, or a combination of both.
Firewalls are often categorized as:
Network Firewalls
Network Firewalls:
Network firewalls filter traffic between two or more networks and run on network hardware.
Host-based Firewalls:
Host-based firewalls run on host computers and control network traffic in and out of those machines.
Network Firewall
​Network security system to filtering out unwanted network traffic.
Host-based Firewall
Hardware Firewall
Software Firewall
When an undesired internet package reaches Security Integrated Component at the entrance of the automation cell the that will deny entrance to the internet package.
If an identifiable package intended for a node of the automation cell reaches the security integrity, it let the package pass.
The package reaches the node and can be processed there.
The following features of an Ethernet package will be checked.
There are two types of firewalls:
Hardware Firewalls
Software Firewalls
Hardware Firewalls​​
Hardware Firewalls are automatically built into the routers that most of us are using today
One common type of hardware firewall allows you define the blocking rules, such as by IP address, by TCP or UDP of the port.
So unwanted ports and IP addresses are forbidden.
Software-based protections function by monitoring the integrity of flowing traffic processes through variable such as:
incoming and destination IP addresses
trasfer times
download sizes
killing connection
monitor outgoing traffic as well as incoming
blocking programs like IP spoofing.
When people talk about examples of hardware firewalls, it actually referring to the router.
Here are some top firewall devices in the market.
WatchGuard Firebox T10
McAfee Next Generation Firewall
​Dell SonicWALL TZ 105
​​Software Firewalls
Software firewalls are installed on your computer.
Allows us some control over its function and protection features.
A software firewall will protect your computer from outside attempts to control or gain access your computer.
It could also provide protection against the most common Trojan programs or e-mail worms.
The downside to software firewalls is that they will only protect the computer they are installed on, not a network.
Here are some methods, Firewalls generally use:
Packet Filtering Firewall:
When a data packet arrives at packet filtering firewall, it only checks the senders, receivers IP address, and the port number present in the data packet.
This firewall is presented in a router.
It does not check the payload of a data packet.
Application/Proxy Firewall: ​
It hides us from internet hacker by not exposing our IP address.
Hardware Firewall: It combines Packet filtering firewall and Application firewall in series to enhance the security.
Here are examples of software firewalls.
Avast Internet Security
Comodo Internet Security
Intego VirusBarrier
Windows Firewall
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