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IP Address

What is it?

  • An IP address, short for Internet Protocol address.

  • Is an identifying number for a piece of network hardware. 

  • Having an IP address allows a device to communicate with other devices over an IP-based network like the internet.

  • Used to iden­tify any device con­nected to the net­work and the inter­net using TCP/IP, these devices can be:

  • Com­put­ers

  • Smart­phones

  • Tablets

  • Routers, etc

The private IP address is used in a local network assigned by a router.

The public IP address is a number used to indicate the location of a computer or other device on a network using TCP/IP.

Difference between Static & Dynamic IP

Dynamic IP Address

Static IP Address

  • Most IP addresses assigned by ISP are dynamic IP address.

  • IP address assigned by router DHCP, dial-up or broadband.

  • It changes time to time.

  • Never changes.

  • Eg.

  • Eg.

IPv4 vs IPv6

  • As there has been an increasing demand for IP addresses, IPv4 can only support about 4.3 billion devices.

  • To help meet the demand for IP addresses, a new technology was developed that is longer and uses both characters and numbers to create an address.

  • This new technology called IPv6.


___ . ___ . ___ . ___

( 0 - 255 )

Decimal no.


____:____:____:____:____:____ :____ :____

( 0000 - f f f f )

Hexa-decimal no

  • Address space is 32 bits.

  • The capacity of 4.3 billion IP addresses.

  • The capacity of 340 trillion trillion trillion IP addresses.

  • Eg.

  • Eg.

2607 : f8b0 : 4005 : 805 :: 200e

  • Uses NAT (Network Address Translator) to connect Internet.

  • End-to-end addressing; no NAT anymore.

  • Address space is 128 bits.

IPv4 Classful Network

  • Classful network design allowed for a larger number of individual network assignments and subnetwork design.

  • The first three bits of the most significant octet of an IP address was defined as the class of the address. 

  • Here is the table describes the different classes.

How does it work?

  • Anyone who connects to the Internet is assigned an IP address by their Internet Service Provider(ISP).

  • By default, the router you use will assign each of you computers their own IP address.

  • When we enter a website, the computer uses DNS to look up a hostname to find its IP address.

  • Often using NAT to forward the data coming from those computers to outside networks such as the Internet.

  • If you need to register an IP address that can be seen on the internet, you must register through InterNIC or use a web host that can assign you an address.

Private IP address & Public IP address





Reserved for private network IP address.

How to Find IP address?

To find out the Private IP on Windows PC.

Step 1

  • Open the command line.

Step 2

  • From the prompt, type ipconfig and press Enter.

Step 3

  • You should see information similar to what is shown below pic. And this highlighted box have the private IP address.

To find out the Public IP on your device

Step 1

  • Google "what is my IP " into your browser.

Step 2

  • You will get the public IP address in response.

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