Contol System
30 January 2018
. Transformer
. Primary winding vs Secondary winding
. Only Ac supply
. Primary , Secondary power freq will be constant and variation b/w volatage/Current base on turns of winding in
primary and secondary.
. Stepup transform, & stepdown transaformar.
Steup tranasform
. No of turns in sec winding > primary winding
. if ip 5 volatge primary
. EMf = N (no of turns in primary) X d phi/dt(rate of change magnetic force)
Electromotive force.
. By EMf we can calculate v in sec coil.
Stepdown Transformer
. No of turns in primary winding > sec winding.
. giving current to home.
. when we need low / high voltage.
. Ip
. Every network device have IP
. IPv4 & ipv6
. IPv4 0-255 divide with 4 parts.
. NAT Network addressing transalation.
. System Ip >> Port : ISP : ISP IP >> Destination.
. Destination >> ISP IP : ISP : Port >> System ip.
. Range of ipv4 is 4 billion but to distribute more than 4 B we use this technique.
. By this first two parts reserved for router.
. Ipv6 0-16Fs divide with 8 parts.
. No Nat is needed all will have unique values.
. Ipv6 dose not have use fully because of old devices not support ipv6.
. Ipv6 has more speed than ipv4 because net packets size is increased.
. Private Branch Exchange,
. All telephone connected to together.
. Can call internally with out no charge.
. If telephone 1 is busy goes to telephone 2.
. PBX Analog, Digital, IP phone lines can connect.
. Call go through net we can call internation
. Auto Answering.
. We can divide lines form one phone number.
. Extention of phones can use to talk internally.
. Ivrs auto voice response is one of the feature of PBX.
. Caller Tune can Setup.
. Word
To check
. Mailing to multiple persons at a time.
. Paragraph alignment.
. Left , right , center, Justify.
. Line spacing : space b/w lines.
. Pragraph spacing : space b/w Pargraphs.
. Indent : right, Left.
gap b/w paragraph and margin.
First line indent : for first line of paragraph.
. Page margine: Marign of the page can adjust top, bottom, right, Left. Auto and custom.
. TypeFaces: Selected contant can change font styles.
Bold, Italic, regular, ItalicBold.
ctrl+b, ctrl+i,
Font-family, Format - paint.
Underline ctrl+u, Color, back-ground, strike.
. alt give short cuts with number of ribbons.
. ctrl+v paste, ctrl+s save, ctrl+z undo,ctrl+y redo.
. ctrl+p print, ctrl+o open file.
. Select text + tab gives indent to right.
. ctrl +] increase font size, ctrl +[ decrease font size.
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. 24 frames
. Video contains no of frames 24 (images).
. Less than 24 frames video will not be smooth.
. Film 24 standard.
. More than 24 frames more smoothness of video.
. More frames have high detailing.
. Each Frame is (1080 resolution)HD then video will be HD.
. By Frame can make animation, stop motion.
. Unit Frames/Sec.
. Interlaced, Prograssive.
Interlaced one frame divides to more no of lines than print line by line on screen.
Prograssive one full frame will print at a time. quality is more than interlaced.
. Standard will change by country like Us - 30fps tv, Euro 24-25 fps.
. when recording camera captures 24 pics per sec.
. Slow Motion : 3000fps record. video is 10 sec divides to 3000/10.
. Time Lapse : records less frames per sec then shows more frames per sec in video than recorded.
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Pending Topics
. Morse Code
. Wave Theory
. AC vs DC
. PCBs
. Analog phone vs Digital Phone
. Requirment of Binery Sys.
. Installing printer
. Crimping cat 5 cable.