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Easy Tumbnails


  • In the age of digital images, visual search engines and image-organizing programs normally use thumbnails.

  • A small picture, used as a compact representation of a larger image.

Thumbnails are reduced-size versions of pictures or videos, used to help in recognizing them.

Original Image


  • Thumbnails are a too small picture of an original one.

  • Serving the same role for images as a normal text index does for words.

  • While making a thumbnail, change its 30% more saturation and sharpness.


  • Thumbnails are ideally implemented on web pages as separate.

  • Smaller copies of the original image.

  • Because one purpose of a thumbnail image on a web page is to reduce bandwidth and download time. 

  • Some web designers produce thumbnails with HTML or client-side scripting that makes the user's browser shrink the picture, rather than use a smaller copy of the image.

  • Displaying a significant part of the picture instead of the full frame can allow the use of a smaller thumbnail while maintaining recognizability. 


Easy Thumbnails Maker

  • There are different ways to make a thumbnail image.

  • Here we will discuss a software called Easy Thumbnails Maker.

  • Here are the steps:

Easy Thumbnail Maker icon

Step 1

  • Google the software name in the browser.

  • Open the first link as follow.

Step 2

  • Click on the Free Download button to get the software.

Step 3

  • Open the downloaded file.

  • Install this application on the desktop.

Step 4

  • This will be the window you get.

  • Select the image you want to make a thumbnail of.

Select a folder contains images.

Select an image to be a thumbnail.

Set the output path.

Step 5

  • Make a change in size, color, name in the Setting menu if required.

  • Click on Make.

  • Click on Preview output to see the change you made to the thumbnail

To make a thumbnail of the selected image.

To make all thumbnails from the selected folder.

Resize the thumbnail

Change if required

Click to switch between Original and output image.

  • Change name

  • Set prefix/suffix

  • Apply algorithms(12)

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