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C Language

What is C ?

  • Is a general-purpose computer programming language.

  • A High-level language.

  • It is the most widely used computer.

  • Mother of all modern languages.


  • It was created in 1972.

  • Developed by  Dennis Ritchie.

Why C

  • Produce efficient programs.

  • Can be compiled on a variety of computer platforms.

  • Structured language.

Environment Setup

  • By downloading any IDE for C program comes with build in the environment.

  • Here, to set up a C program environment, we need to have 2 software:

    • Text Editor (Sublime Text 3)

    • C Compiler (GNU  Compiler)


  • A compiler translates programing language into executable code. 

  • Programming languages may be any high-level language (eg. C, C++, Java, C#, Python)

  • Here we will have C compiler for executing .c file. 

High-level Language

#include <stdio.h>

int main()



print ("Hello!/n")



Machine-level Language




  • To install GCC compiler, go to > download & install the compiler.

  • Make the bin directory as PATH for the PC.

The Hello World

  • Here is the Hello World program of C program with the minimum code as extension filename.c 

  • Open the command prompt > go to the .c file directory 

  • Type gcc helloSPS.c to compile.

  • It will generate the a.exe file on the same directory.

  • Type a to execute the program on the screen.


To compile helloSPS.c file

To execute the a.exe file

Here is the output

.exe file

.c file

Compiler on Sublime Text

  • Instead of writing commands lime for executing C programs, we can make Sublime Text editor do itself.

  • On Sublime Text option > Tools > Build System > New Build Path > paste the Jason code for GCC compiler > save as C.

  • Now we can compile & execute a C program by hitting Ctrl + B .

  • Here are gif shows how we made it.


C Syntax

  • The above program has the basic syntax of C language

  • Following are the description:

  • #include <stdio.h>: it includes standard input outpur library function.( eg printf(), scanf() )

  • int main (): Every c programs has a main funcion to execute.

  • printf(): A funtion used to print on console.

  • return 0: Returns execution status to OS (0 or 1).

Variable in C

  • With variable we can store a data.

  • Variable stores on memory location.

  • One should declare a variable with datatype.

  • Here are some rules for declaring & defined variable with syntax.



  • Datatype means the types of data that can store on a variable.

  • Eg. Integer, Floating, Sting etc.

  • In C, There are 4 types of a datatype.


int, char, float, double



array, pointer, structure, union




non return type

Printf & Scanf

  • Both are the in-build function from stdio.h header file.

  • The printf() is used for output.

  • The scanf() is used for taking user input.

  • Both functions have a statement to print the which type of variable with a variable.


Format Specifier

  • Format specifier are used to take the input & output.

  • It says which type of data is in variable using scanf( ) & printf( )

Control Statement

If Else

  • The block of code will be executed according to a basic condition.

  • In C, there are statements available such as; if , if else, if else-if.

Do While

  • While loop is used to execute part of code multiple time untill condition is false.

  • The do-while loop is similar to While loop but at least execute once regardless of condtion.

For Loop

  • To iterate the code several time with condition and increment/decrement function.


Switch Case

  • Like if else-if ladder statement, the block of code from multiple conditions.

  • The switch expression and case value must be of integer or character type.

  • Every case should have break or goto keyword else it will follow fall-through condition.


Scope in Variable

  • Global Variable: Accessible throughout the program.

  • Local Variable: Accessible only inside of the program.

  • Formal Variable: While passing an argument with a function.

  • There are 4 storage classes used for defining the scope and lifetime of a variable.

  • These following keywords are used:

  • auto: Default storage class, applied to all local variables automatically.

  • register: Allocates memory in register than RAM, faster access than other variables.

  • extern: Visible to all the programs.

  • static: Once initialized, exists until the end of the program.



  • Pointer stores the value of address of another variable & points toward it.

  • We need to declare a pointer before use.

  • Pointer datatype should be the same as the pointing variable.



  • It is an array of character terminated by a null character.

  • We can declare a string with char keyword with or without array size.

  • Here is the 2 way of initializing the char.​​​

  • char array

  • string literal

  • In C program, there is a lot of function for string manipulation.

  • Some of them are in below table.

Structure in C

  • Structure in C is a user-defined datatype.

  • Each element it stores is called a member.​

  • Here, struct keyword is used to declare a structure.


File Handling

  • In C, there is some specific function to handle files on local disk.

  • The file may be of two types:

  • Text files ( .txt )

  • Binary files ( .bin )

  • To communicate with file and program, we need to declare a pointer of a datatype.

  • fopen() is a library function in stdio.h header file with file name & read/write mode.

  • To work with the file, there are some several steps we need to follow.

  • Creating a new file with a pointer

  • Opening a file

  • Reading/Writing to a file

  • Closing a file

Write a File

  • For reading a file, we use fprintf() & fwrite() functions.


Read a File

  • For reading a file, we use fscanf() & fread( ) functions.


Graphics in C

  • For drawing different shapes, fonts & colors, we use a graphics.h header file.

  • graphics.h contains lots of pre-defined functions to implement Graphical User Interface.

  • We can make graphics programs, animation & games.

  • Here is some functions from graphics.h header.

    • arc​

    • bar

    • cricle

    • line

    • rectangle

    • ellipse

    • outtext

    • textwidth

Drawing in C

  • With graphics.h functions, we can draw circle, lines, rectangles, bars & other geometrical figures.

  • Below program is for drawing a some geometrical shapes.


C with MySQL

  • There are several APIs available in internet allows us to interact with different databases

  • We need to download the correspondence APIs which contains header file.
  • And that header file should be kept in compiler's include folder to be accessed.​

Incule mysql.h

  • Here we used mysql.h header file to interact MySQL database.

  • We downloaded & mysql.h and kept in complir's include folder.

  • Above picture shows where all the header path presents.

  • Download mysql.h file

  • keep in compiler's include folder

  • The above header file has lots of functions regarding MySQL.

  • Below program is the example of database connection.

  • The codes can be divided into 4 parts:

    • Initiation of a connection handle stucture

    • Creation of a connection

    • Execution of a query

    • Closing of connection


Program 1

  • WAP to ask username & his age, then write a sentence.

  • Input: Ravi

  • Output: 18


Program 2

  • Find the Permutation of string.

  • Input: ab

  • Output: ab, ba


Program 3

  • Find Digit Identification if the string has any number.  

  • Input: Stone123Profits

  • Output: True, if the string contains a number; False, if the string contains a number


Program 4

  • Find and Replace the 1st highest repeated character with user given character.

  • Input: abcabab

  • Output: pbcpbpb 

  • The out put of above program asks the user to enter a String & a character to replace with the highest repeated character.


Compiles the program

Executing the program

Asks user to enter a String

Asks user to enter a Char


Program 5

  • Write a program to print Diamond pattern.

  • Input: 5

  • Output: pattern

  • The above program prints the given diamond pattern on command prompt.


Compiles .c file


Type a for executing above program

Program 6

  • Write a program to sum the numbers in a string.

  • Input: stone123profits7

  • Output: 130

  • In command prompt, we compile & executed the FindSumNumbersFromString.c file.

  • We used gcc command for compiling & a for executing the c file.


Compils .c file


Ask user to input

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