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What is it?

  • Python is a programming language. 

  • It is an interpreted language which executes line by line.

  • It is used for web development (server-side), software development, mathematics, system scripting.

  • Used on a server to create web applications and can connect to database systems.

  • It can also read and modify files.


  • It was created in 1991.

  • Designed by  Guido van Rossum. (worked in Google & Dropbox)


  • Automatic Task

  • Make a game

  • Real-world problems

  • Server-client web development.

  • General purpose software.

  • Embedded software.


  • Python was designed to for readability.

  • Python works on different platforms.

  • Python can be treated in a procedural way, an object-orientated way or a functional way.

  • One line code for swapping values; x,y = y,x

Cross-compilers to other languages

  • There are several compilers to run the python program on different platforms.

  • Here are some examples:

  • Jython compiles into Java bytecode, and execute on Java Virtual Machine.

  • IronPython is to run Python programs on the .NET Common Language Runtime.

  • Pyjs compiles Python to JavaScript.

  • Cython compiles Python to C and C++.

Python Installation

  • To check if you have python installed on a Windows PC:

  • Run the following on the Command Line (cmd.exe), python --version

There is no Python installed on the PC.

Type python - -version

  • Open the .exe installer file.

  • Make sure you tick the "Add Python 3. to PATH" checkbox and click on "Install Now", 

  • Verify the installation was successful by opening a command prompt and running the python command.

Type python - -version

Python installed on the PC.

The Hello World

  • Python is an interpreted programming language.

  • We need to write Python (.py) files in a text editor and then put those files into the python interpreter to be executed.

  • Where is the name of your python file.

  • We wrote the one line program in a text editor.

  • Save the python file, navigate the path on the command line.

  • To run the file, type python

  • The the print line shows here.

To run the python file

Here is the output.

Python Command Line

  • After running the Python command, the prompt changed to >>>

  • For a quick test, we can type commands (code) into the Python prompt results in answers in Python.

To pring the string


Operator & String

Python function

We got our first error

Python Command Line

Setting up Python with Sublime

  • To write the python program with Sublime Text 3 editor and make the editor compatible with python codes, here are some steps:

  • On Sublime Text, go to Tools > Command Pallets > type Install-Package Controller > click to install.

  • Type and install SublimeREPL or Python 3.

  • This plug-in lets the user to an interactive interpreter for several languages. 

Install the Python 3 plug-in

  • For command line output in the editor, go to Tools > Built System > select Python.

  • Hit Ctrl + B or Tool menu > Build for command line output.

Coding window

Command line wondow


Python Syntax

Indentations in Python

  • Python uses indentation to indicate a block of codes.

  • It gives an error if no indent in a block.




Variable Declaration

  • Python has no command for declaring a variable.

  • The variable is being declared when we assign a value.

  • The right side of the = operator is being assigned to a variable.

  • The variable type keeps changing after re-assign.

  • Varible name should start with alphabet or underscore & can contain numbers, alphabets or underscore.

Variable declaration


  • The data stored in memory can be any types.

  • To verify the type of an object in Python, use the type( ) function:

  • Here are some Python datatypes.



stores number






('a', 'b', 'c')


{'key' : 'value'}

value can't change






5j, 3=4j


  • Number objects are created when you assign a value.


  • Stores number of character.

  • In Python, 'hello' is the same as "hello".

  • Subsets of strings can be taken using the slice operator ([  ] and [ : ] ) with index.

List [ ]

  • Lists are the most versatile of Python's compound data types. (multiple datatypes)

  • A list contains items separated by commas and enclosed within square brackets [ ].

Tuple ( )

  • Unlike List, the value in a tuple cannot be changed.

  • It is a read-only List.

  • It is enclosed within parentheses.

Dictionary { }

  • Dictionary is a kind of hash table type.

  • It is a collection which is unordered, changeable and indexed.

  • It is also possible to use the dict() constructor to make a dictionary.

  • There is some function for accessing & manipulating the string, tuple, list, and dictionary.

Type Casting

  • We can specify a type on to a declared variable.

  • Casting in python are done using some below functions:


  • Operators are used to perform some operation to a variable.

  • Similar to another program, Python has different types of operators as follows:

  • Arithmetic operators ( + - * /  %  ** // )

  • Assignment operator ( =  +=  -=  %=  >>=  |=  ^= )

  • Comparison operator ( ==  !=  <  >  >=  <= )

  • Logical operator ( and  or  not )

  • Identity operators ( is   is not )

  • Membership operators ( in  not in )

  • Bitwise operator ( &  |  ^  ~  <<  >> )

Conditional Statement

  • Python supports comparison operator to make a condition.

  • Thes conditions can be used in a loop and if condition.

  • On condition we need to use indentation for the code.

if statement

  • if the keyword is used to execute some code in a specific condition.

if elif statement

  • elif keyword is used in python, if the previous conditions were not true, then do this condition.

if else statement

  • If all the previous conditions were false, then perform else statement.

Loop control statement

  • For iteration, there are 2 loop in python:

  • For Loop: Iterates the statement for a limited time, when the condition is true.

  • While Loop: The statements are being executed unless the given condition is false. 

// For loop

  • In Python, else statement can be associated with while and for loop.

// While loop

// While - else

Loop control statement

  • Inside a loop, python has 3 statement to control the loop:

  • pass: When we have no statement to pass.

  • continue: To skip the rest of the body of the loop, and continue iterating.

  • break: Terminates the loop statement and transfers execution to the statement immediately.

// continue 

// break

1st loop

2nd loop

Programing Concept


  • A Function is a block of code runs only when it is called.

  • We can pass parameter (value or reference). 

  • The function block starts with def keyword followed by the function name and parentheses( ).

  • And the function block indented after column :

  • The function can return a value.


  • Like a library, a module is a file (.py) consisting of Python code; classes, functions & variable.

  • We can use that module in our application by import keyword followed by module name.

  • While python interpreter gets import statement it looks for the corresponding module file here:​

  • Current path

  • Shell variable path

  • Default path: C:\Users\SPS\AppData\Local\Programs\Python

Built-in Module

  • Python comes with some built-in modules. (eg. sys, io, platform)

  • For easy work, we can import those.

User-defined Module

  • A user can make a module by having the required variable, function and classes.

  • Save the file as .py extension, and keep in the current path.

  • And use those functions, value form that python file.

Python Package Manager

  • Python has a Package manager for downloading different the modules.

  • The later version of Python 3.4 has installed pip.

  • Here how to install a package:

To download & install camelcase module

  • Once the package is installed we can use that.

File I/O Handling

  • Python provides 2 functions to get the user input.​

  • raw_input ( )

  • input( )

  • We can create, read, update & delete the files using some functions.

  • The open( filename, mode ) function takes two parameters; filename, and mode.

  • r : Read

  • a : Append

  • w : Write

  • x : Create 

  • For handing mode of file:

  • t: Text mode

  • b: Binary mode

Write File

  • Here is an example of writing a file.

  • The text file gets affected as below.

Read File

  • In python, open( )  function returns a file object, where it has a read( ) function is used to read the content.​

  • Here is the example for reading the text file data as string.

Exersice: Read the 2nd and 4th line of the file.

OS Module

  • The is os module which allows us to remove the file and rename the file as well.

    • ps.remove("note.txt") : Remove a file in local directory.

    • os. rename("old.txt","new.txt") : Rename a file

    • os.mkdir("Folder1") : Make a new folder.

    • os.getchwd( ) : Get the current working directory. 

    • os.chdir("/Folder/SPS/qPlus") : To chage the current working directory.

Python & MySQL

  • We can use Python in a database application.

  • Here we have MySQL database installed to work with.

  • We can choose any database for our application.

MySQL Driver

  • In order to work with a MySQL database in Python, we need to install a driver for respective database.

  • MySQL Connector is the driver we are going to intall on PIP.

  • We can download and install the driver from the internet.

  • Open the PIP path in CMD > type python -m pip install mysql -connector

Download & Install the mysql connector on pip

Create Connection

  • After installing the driver, we can create a connection, 

  • We need to import module, create a connection object with a database credential.

  • A short program for testing the connection between Python and MySQL.


Connection established.


  • To run any query on database, we need to create a cursor class object.

  • The cursor object allows us to run the query & handle the returned record. 

  • In the MySQL database, we have the following data in a database.

  • There are some functions to getting the record from the database on below.

    • cursor.fetchall ( ) -  Returns all rows from executed records.

    • cursor.fetchone ( ) - Returns only one row.(first row)​​

  • Here is a program for SELECT query and getting the records.




  • To insert the data from Python to MySQL can be done using by following steps.

  • First: Call the execute ( ) function with query & data as an argument.

  • Second: Call commit ( ) function for making changes on database.

  • For inserting to database functions are:

    • cursor.execute (sql query , data) - For inserting one-row

    • cursor.executemany (sql query, data_Tuple) - For inserting multiple rows.

    • dbConn.commit ( ) - For saving the chages.



  • The GIF shows how it works after executing the above python program & checked on MySQL database.

insert Table Python.gif

Excel To Database

  • Here we are going to import excel files in Python and write those spreadsheet data into databse.

  • There are several modules available for work with a spreadsheet.​








mySQL Databse

  • In this case, we will download and install xlrd module.

  • To do so, open CMD > type and enter pip install xlrd

  • The below program is for importing a excel file from the local directory.

  • And inserting to MySQL database.

  • After running the python program, the 4 rows are been updated to database.


Python Graphics

  • For graphic work, there are several modules we can put on to work in python.

Python Turtle

  • Turtle is a python module for drawing comes with python package.

  • All we need to import the module, make an instance, draw a shape, and put on the screen.

  • Here is the following steps on below.

Turtle Function

  • Here are some turtle functions of turtle module for drawing.


  • Draw a circle, line, rectangle & star.

  • Output:



Program 1

  • Finding the first non-repeated character in String.

  • Input: stonepfofits

  • Output: n

Program 2

  • Find the Permutation of string.

  • Input: ab

  • Output: ab, ba

Program 3

  • Find Digit Identification if the string has any number.  

  • Input: Stone123Profits

  • Output: True, if the string contains a number; False, if the string contains a number

Program 4

  • Find and Replace the 1st highest repeated character with user given character.

  • Input: abcabab

  • Output: pbcpbpb 

Program 5

  • Write a program to print Diamond pattern.

  • Input: 5

  • Output: pattern

Program 6

  • Write a program to sum the numbers in a string.

  • Input: stone123profits7

  • Output: 130

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