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Jpg Bmp Difference

What is it?

  • Both Bitmap and JPG are file format for storing digital images.

  • The two formats are quite similar however there are some differences to each.


  • Stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group.


  • Stands for Bitmap.

  • Developed by the Joint Photographic Experts Group.

  • Developed by Microsoft for Windows.

  • The file sizes are much smaller than BMP.


Image size : 74 kb

  • BMP images are larger in size.


Image size : 3 MB

  • Most of the images you see on the internet are in JPEG format.

  • Being oversized, bitmap files are not what you call ‘web friendly’.

  • Almost OS supports jpg format.



  • Compatible only in Windows OS and programs.

  • Most popular image file format.

  • BMP files are not great and not very popular.

  • JPEG is a lossy compression method.

  • It is lossless compression method.

  • Used for photographs, web hosting etc.

  • Used for illustrations, drawings, text and other material that would not look good when compressed.


  • Which means some image quality is lost when the compression is applied. 

  • No loss in quality after compression.

  • If you take a closer look, the JPEG image is not as sharp as the original image.

  • BMP files are made of millions of pixels with different colors and arrangements to come up with an image or pattern.

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