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Breathing Space

What is it?

  • In Editorial Design, it is a Design Element with empty space between Graphic, Pictures, and Text.

  • An important part of Design.

Breathing Space
Focus Point
(No Text + No Image + No Graphics)

Importance of Breathing Space

  • Gives content much more room to Breath.

  • Gives more Power, Strength, Weight.

  • Focus on center part.

  • A reader gets Pleasant Experience.

  • An example of breathing space in the magazine.


  • No breathing room for the eye

  • Mind Wandering with other content

  • Looks Complex

  • Photo with lots of Breathing Space to give it power

  • Mind doesn't slip away 

  • Looks Simple

  • In Magazine, Breathing Space is also known as White Space. And it doesn't have to be white.

White Space

( Breathing Space )

Uses of Breathing Space

  • This visual element plays the important part of Design.

  • It works with Website, Magazine, Poster, Advertisement etc.

  • Breathing Space in WebSite.

  • Breathing Space in Magazine.

  • Breathing Space in Advertisement.

  • Breathing Space in Poster.

  • Breathing Space in Interior Decoration

A Web Designer's Goal

To Deliver A Great Product To Your Clients With Properly Use  Of




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