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What is it?
JavaScript is an object-based scripting language that is lightweight and cross-platform.
JavaScript is not compiled but translated. The JavaScript Translator (embedded in the browser) is responsible to translate the JavaScript code.
It is designed for creating network-centric applications.
Web pages are not the only place where JavaScript is used. Many desktop and server programs use JavaScript.
Use of JavaScript
JavaScript is used to create interactive websites.
It is mainly used for:
Client-side validation
Dynamic drop-down menus
Displaying data and time
Displaying clocks, graphs etc.
Displaying pop-up windows and dialog boxes.
How it works?
The browser has 3 main programs installed in.
A Browser has 3 major components installed.
DOM Parser
For HTML code.
CSS Parser
For CSS code.
JavaScript Engine
To process JavaScript code.
JavaScript code is processed by a JavaScript Engine on a browser.
The different browser has different JavaScript compiler installed.
Below table shows the JS engine of the popular browsers.
JIT (Just-in-Time) Compiler:
JavaScript Engine has the sole job to take JavaSctipt syntax in human readable form & converted into machine code (0 & 1s).
On the client side, it downloads the code, processes, and compiles.
That is why it is named as Just-in-Time JIT compiler.
JS Console
JavaScript console is an interface that allows a developer to input a command and view the output.
Every JS engine has its JS console.
It is like MS Command Line and Mac Terminal/
It is used for debugging & we can see what happens in JIT compiler.
To open the JS console in Develepor tool on browser follow the steps.
Open browser > Right click > Inspect > Console .
Right-click on blank page
Click on Inspect
Click on Console
& Write code here
Syntax & API
The syntax is the way of a program written.
Set of predefined functions by JIT compiler.
API: Application Program Interface. It is a set of own function() & properties . It has native API.
eg. JQuery, AnguarJS etc.
It has own collections function() & properties defined by $.
Embedded API or extended AIP .
It needs JavaScript API to define its own API.
Primitive Datatypes
String: "Hello", 'Hello', "hello \"Dinesh\" ."...
Integer: 122, 12 ...
Floating: 1.2, 112.33 ...
Boolean: Stores true/false
Null: No value assigned.
undefined: void, empty.
NaN: Not a Number (If you store string in a number var).
Hello World
This is a basic a basic program of javascript written inside the HTML code.
We can put the the code where ever we want in html page.
There are 2 ways of putting javascript code.
Inside the <script> tag.
With the external .js file & give the link to the html page.
Here we have kept the the javascript code inside the <script> tag.
JavaScript code
Where to keep
There are 3 ways to keep the JavaScript code.​
Inline JavaScript: To keep the JavaScript code in an attribute.
Internal JavaScript: To keep the JavaScript code in <script> tag in a HTML page.
External JavaScript: To keep the javascript code in an external file (.js) and use that file on HTML page as a source.
1 Inline JavaScript
2 Internal JavaScript​
3 External JavaScript
A JavaScript function is a block of javascript code, that can be executed when called it .
A function can be called when an event occurs, like when the user clicks a button.
It is also known as a callable object.
All the variable declared inside a function is deleted after executed.
All function needs to invoked to be executed.
We can pass through a function:
Passing Argument.
Passing object.
Passing function.
An HTML event can be something the browser does or something a user does.
JavaScript allows us to execute code when events are detected.
Display on HTML
There are different possibilities to display some string/data on HTML page using JavaScript.​
Using innerHTML:
Here we can write an HTML element.
To access html element, JavaScript use document.getElementById (id) method.​
innerHTML element property defines the HTML content, and we can assign any data.
Using document.write():
We can use document.write(data) to write on the browser.
It will delete all the existing elements.
Using window.alert():
Here we can use the alert box to display the data.
Using console.log():
For debugging purpose, we can use console.log(data) method on browser's console.
JavaScript HTML DOM
When a web page is loaded, the browser creates a Document Object Model of the page.
It simply representing all the HTML nodes or elements as objects in JavaScript.
The window object is used to represent the window to JavaScript, so we can get details & modify data.
So we can get details, modify the functionality and contents using JavaScript.
Document Object
The HTML DOM is constructed as a tree of objects.
Here is a picture represents the objects.
HTML DOM Tree of Objects
Root Element:
"My text"
"My link"
"My header"
With the object model, Javascript gets all the power it needs to create dynamic HTML.
In a page, JavaScript can:
change all the HTML elements, attributes, CSS styles.
add/remove existing elements and attributes.
react/create new HTML events.
HTML DOM Methods
HTML DOM methods are actions you perform & DOM properties are values that we can set on an HTML element.
This DOM can be accessed with JavaScript.
DOM document object is the owner of all other objects on our web page.
Below are some methods of the document to access & manipulate HTML.
For creating & deleting the HTML elements.
For changing the HTML existing elements.
You can add events of different types to the same element:
For creating an event in HTML.
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