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What is it?

  • JavaScript is an object-based scripting language that is lightweight and cross-platform.

  • JavaScript is not compiled but translated. The JavaScript Translator (embedded in the browser) is responsible to translate the JavaScript code.

  • It is designed for creating network-centric applications.

  • Web pages are not the only place where JavaScript is used. Many desktop and server programs use JavaScript.

Use of JavaScript

  • JavaScript is used to create interactive websites. 

  • It is mainly used for:

  • Client-side validation

  • Dynamic drop-down menus

  • Displaying data and time

  • Displaying clocks, graphs etc.

  • Displaying pop-up windows and dialog boxes.

How it works?

  • The browser has 3 main programs installed in.

A Browser has 3 major components installed.

DOM Parser

For HTML code.

CSS Parser

For CSS code.

JavaScript Engine

To process JavaScript code.

  • JavaScript code is processed by a JavaScript Engine on a browser.

  • The different browser has different JavaScript compiler installed.

  • Below table shows the JS engine of the popular browsers.

JIT (Just-in-Time) Compiler:

  • JavaScript Engine has the sole job to take JavaSctipt syntax in human readable form & converted into machine code (0 & 1s).

  • On the client side, it downloads the code, processes, and compiles.

  • That is why it is named as Just-in-Time JIT compiler.

JS Console

  • JavaScript console is an interface that allows a developer to input a command and view the output.

  • Every JS engine has its JS console.

  • It is like MS Command Line and Mac Terminal/

  • It is used for debugging & we can see what happens in JIT compiler.

  • To open the JS console in Develepor tool on browser follow the steps.

  • Open browser > Right click > Inspect > Console .


Right-click on blank page 


Click on Inspect

  • Click on Console

  • & Write code here

Syntax & API

  • The syntax is the way of a program written.

  • Set of predefined functions by JIT compiler.

  • API: Application Program Interface. It is a set of own function() & properties . It has native API.

  • eg. JQuery, AnguarJS etc.


  • It has own collections function() & properties defined by $.

  • Embedded API or extended AIP .

  • It needs JavaScript API to define its own API.

Primitive Datatypes

  • String: "Hello", 'Hello', "hello \"Dinesh\" ."...

  • Integer: 122, 12 ...

  • Floating: 1.2, 112.33 ...

  • Boolean: Stores true/false

  • Null: No value assigned.

  • undefined: void, empty.

  • NaN: Not a Number (If you store string in a number var).

Hello World

  • This is a basic a basic program of javascript written inside the HTML code.

  • We can put the the code where ever we want in html page.

  • There are 2 ways of putting javascript code.

  • Inside the <script> tag.

  • With the external .js file & give the link to the html page.

  • Here we have kept the the javascript code inside the <script> tag.

JavaScript code

Where to keep

  • There are 3 ways to keep the JavaScript code.​

  • Inline JavaScript: To keep the JavaScript code in an attribute.

  • Internal JavaScript: To keep the JavaScript code in <script> tag in a HTML page.

  • External JavaScript: To keep the javascript code in an external file (.js) and use that file on HTML page as a source.

1 Inline JavaScript

2 Internal JavaScript​

3 External JavaScript


  • A JavaScript function is a block of javascript code, that can be executed when called it .

  • A function can be called when an event occurs, like when the user clicks a button.

  • It is also known as a callable object.

  • All the variable declared inside a function is deleted after executed.

  • All function needs to invoked to be executed.

  • We can pass through a function: 

  • Passing Argument.

  • Passing object.

  • Passing function.


  • An HTML event can be something the browser does or something a user does.

  • JavaScript allows us to execute code when events are detected.

Display on HTML

  • There are different possibilities to display some string/data on HTML page using JavaScript.​

  • Using innerHTML:

  • Here we can write an HTML element.

  • To access html element, JavaScript use document.getElementById (id) method.​

  • innerHTML element property defines the HTML content, and we can assign any data.

  • Using document.write():

  • We can use document.write(data) to write on the browser.

  • It will delete all the existing elements.

  • Using window.alert():

  • Here we can use the alert box to display the data.

  • Using console.log():

  • For debugging purpose, we can use console.log(data) method on browser's console.

JavaScript HTML DOM

  • When a web page is loaded, the browser creates a Document Object Model of the page.

  • It simply representing all the HTML nodes or elements as objects in JavaScript.

  • The window object is used to represent the window to JavaScript, so we can get details & modify data.

  • So we can get details, modify the functionality and contents using JavaScript.

Document Object

  • The HTML DOM is constructed as a tree of objects.

  • Here is a picture represents the objects.

HTML DOM Tree of Objects


Root Element:









"My text"






"My link"




"My header"

  • With the object model, Javascript gets all the power it needs to create dynamic HTML.

  • In a page, JavaScript can:

  • change all the HTML elements, attributes, CSS styles.

  • add/remove existing elements and attributes.

  • react/create new HTML events.

HTML DOM Methods

  • HTML DOM methods are actions you perform & DOM properties are values that we can set on an HTML element. 

  • This DOM can be accessed with JavaScript.

  • DOM document object is the owner of all other objects on our web page.

  • Below are some methods of the document to access & manipulate HTML.

  • For creating & deleting the HTML elements.

  • For changing the HTML existing elements.

  • You can add events of different types to the same element:

  • For creating an event in HTML.

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